Undergraduate Programs: Courses

Chemical Engineering

"This course prepares students with a multidisciplinary perspective, enabling them to work in diverse sectors such as petrochemicals, biofuels production, pharmaceutical manufacturing, food industry, and energy, among others.

You will be qualified to develop more efficient processes, employing new technologies, especially computational tools that permit the integrated design of equipment and industrial plants, with a strong focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, always aligned with the principles of sustainable development.

Participate in the AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) student chapter at PUC-Rio and participate in national and international competitions.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on: 


If you envision yourself working in cutting-edge laboratories, a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry is the perfect fit for you. With a strong emphasis on practical laboratory work, this program offers a distinctive preparation for a career as a researcher, whether in industry, forensics, or major research centers and universities.

Among the diverse professional fields, we can highlight: food and beverages, fuels, cosmetics, agricultural pesticides, pharmaceuticals and medicines, environment, metallurgy, petrochemicals, polymers, sanitizers, textiles, and paints.

The connection with the industrial and research sectors provides students with the opportunity to participate in projects and internships at major companies, as well as the chance to engage in Undergraduate research program in lthe aboratories of the Chemistry Department.

For students with an academic profile, the course also allows them to advance in graduate-level courses for early completion of a Master's degree or direct entry into a Doctoral program.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Civil Engineering

You will receive a broad education with a solid technical foundation, utilizing modern technology in the main subareas of Civil Engineering. This provides the opportunity to specialize in cross-cutting themes, valuing inter and transdisciplinary approaches.

The area of Structures and Materials enables the design and construction of buildings, bridges, and large structures, using reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel, and new materials. Geotechnical Engineering focuses on the study of the behavior of soils, rocks, and new geotechnical materials for works related to slope stabilization, foundations, tunnels, excavations, dams, etc. In Transportation, the goal is to implement transportation infrastructure for the construction of roads, highways, and railways. The Water Resources area focuses on water resources management and sanitation for water supply and treatment projects, wastewater collection and treatment, stormwater management and urban drainage, solid waste management, dams and reservoirs, irrigation systems, as well as river, estuarine, and coastal works. The Construction Engineering area considers the integration of different areas through a collaborative workflow, 3D modeling, management, planning, and execution of civil engineering works.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Computer Engineering and Computer Science

In Computer Engineering, you'll receive a solid foundation in Calculus and Physics, common to all engineering courses as well as in the fundamentals of Computer Science and Digital Electronics. This prepares you for the development of highly complex systems, including those that integrate software and hardware.

In the Computer Science course, you will learn the fundamentals of Computer Science and can choose to delve deeper into software development techniques or specific areas such as Algorithms, Games, Programming Languages, Data Science, or Artificial Intelligence. As part of your curriculum, you spend a semester immersed in an innovation laboratory. PUC-Rio stands out in the research and development scene in Computer Science. Various innovation laboratories, linked to the Department of Computer Science, develop advanced projects, providing students with exposure to cutting-edge work and research.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Control and Automation Engineering

The course integrates knowledge of electronics, mechanics, and computer science/informatics, aiming to equip students to work on highly demanded topics in today's job market, such as automation and control of industrial plants, design of robotic systems, artificial intelligence techniques, and development of autonomous robots. You will be able to technically manage interdisciplinary projects in a broad market, ranging from building automation companies to the oil and gas industry, including processes in the agricultural, medical, and pharmaceutical industries.

You will have "hands-on" activities from your early semesters at PUC-Rio. You can participate in internationally recognized and award-winning competition teams such as Riobotz and AeroRio. Additionally, you can also participate in various scientific initiation activities, guided by professors who conduct research that contributes to advancing the frontiers of knowledge.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Electrical Engineering

One of the most traditional and recognized courses in the market, which has been constantly renewed over the years and differentiated itself from others to meet the needs of the modern job market, emphasizes in its curriculum the design and development of analytical models for data-driven decision making, the intensive use of laboratories, and computer systems.

By choosing this course, you must select at least one of three emphases: Electronics and Computers, which focuses on the design and development of hardware for analog and digital electronic systems; Electrical Power Systems, which enables students to work with generation, transmission, and distribution of energy, including renewable sources; and Telecommunications, which trains engineers to plan, implement, and operate mobile and fixed communication networks, including 5G and fiber optic networks. All emphases seek to develop a solid foundation in Mathematics, Physics, Modeling, and Computing."

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Environmental Engineering

The course offers a solid foundation in environmental technology, its great differentiator. You will receive training that covers aspects such as modeling water and air quality, simulating contaminant transport, wastewater treatment, and remediation of degraded areas, in line with a field that aims to ensure that the limits of natural resources are respected.

Currently, large global companies value the ESG concept – Environmental, Social, Governance – which translates as respect for the environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance. By pursuing a career in Environmental Engineering, you will become a professional capable of developing and applying technology to protect and recover the environment, preserving the quality of water, air, and soil.".

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering

It is a modern course that seeks to develop the general competencies and skills of an engineer, as well as the five specific ompetencies of a materials and nanotechnology engineer. To deeply understand and calculate, using computational approaches, the relationships between the different structural levels of nanomaterials, their mechanical, electronic, optical, thermal, magnetic, and chemical properties. To extract, synthesize and process conventional and nanostructured materials. To understand the causes that lead to material degradation and the methods to mitigate this degradation. To specify and select appropriate materials for industrial applications. To manage industrial processes for the production of conventional and nanostructured materials.

Upon completion of this course, you will be qualified to develop new materials and nanomaterials, select existing ones for specific applications, monitor their production processes, and ensure compliance with industry standards and specifications. Among other competencies, you will be able to coordinate or participate in work teams, execute and monitor technological/scientific projects, and issue technical reports and opinions.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:


"The course combines a solid foundation in the main areas of Mathematics with great curricular flexibility. You can personalize your course load by choosing optional and elective subjects, and you have an advisor to guide you throughout your studies.

The goal is to achieve a high academic level and be able to work in situations that require some form of quantification or in decisions that require meticulous studies of the values and resources involved, thus having a broad insertion in research and the job market.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Mechanical Engineering

In this course, you will have a strong foundation in Calculus and Physics, complemented by knowledge in areas such as solid mechanics, dynamics and control systems, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics.

This versatile program includes experimentation and computational simulation, enabling you to work in design and development for manufacturing, operation of machines and equipment, fluid flow systems, thermal systems, generation and optimization of fossil and renewable energy use, and bioengineering equipment. You will be prepared to work on the design of instrumentation and control for mechanical systems, the development of simulators for industrial and natural processes, and project management.

Take advantage of industry partnerships to participate in research and development groups. Join competition teams involving the design, construction, and testing of off-road vehicles (Mini Baja) and single-seater race cars (Formula SAE), robot competitions (Riobotz), aircraft competitions (AeroRio), and the design of devices for the aerospace sector (Ares).

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Petrol Engineering

The state monopoly end has initiated a new expansion cycle of the oil activity in the country. The significant increase in the Brazilian production allocates mentioned industry among the most dynamic segments of the national economy, ensuring the business and professional opportunity enlargement. In this context, the PUC Rio graduation program has the objective to capacitate the student and treat the problems relating to the oil and gas exploring, production and transport activities. The formation aggregates the basic engineering knowledge – especially in the Mechanics, Civil and Chemistry fields – to the knowledge applied to the oil exploration and production sector.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:


The course provides a structured and solid foundation in Physics and Mathematics, equipping you with the necessary skills to delve into the most fascinating areas of contemporary Physics, ranging from Particle Physics to Astrophysics, from Materials Science to Quantum Computing.

The objective is to foster intellectual development, reasoning, creative thinking, and problem-solving independence across a wide range of professional fields – from technical areas to the financial market, as well as research institutions both in Brazil and abroad.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:

Production Engineering

By pursuing a degree in Production Engineering at PUC-Rio, you will learn to analyze, design, plan and develop products, processes and services, enabling you to work both locally and globally in organizations of various natures. You will learn how to characterize the entire decision-making process, how to plan, control, and operate production and transportation and logistics systems, and how to analyze projects and investments from an economic-financial perspective.

Throughout the course, you will be exposed to quantitative and computational tools and methods and you will develop transversal skills (soft skills) such as teamwork, autonomous learning, and communication. You will carry out various activities that integrate theory and practice applied to diverse real-world problems.

You will become a professional with technical capacity, humanistic aptitude, and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary manner, including a systemic view in addressing problems in a complex and dynamic context influenced by disruptive technologies and new means of production, service, and relationship. You will be exposed to robust analytical tools and experiences that lead to flexible career paths, allowing you to specialize in the areas of Operations Research and Analytics; Production Systems; Transportation and Logistics; and Finance and Risk Analysis.

Additional information, on the official PUC-Rio website in Portuguese, can be found on:
